Plan Zajęć
Dudek Alicja, mgr e-Wizytówka
Termin Dzień, godzina Przedmiot Typ Sala Grupa
2024-11-26 Wt 08:00 - 09:30 (2g.) Self-development in a working environment konwersatorium Paw.S sala 10 EEBUS1-2311, BPZ-ET 2024/25BACHELOR
IB gr 1
2024-11-26 Wt 11:30 - 13:00 (2g.) Self-development in a working environment konwersatorium Paw.S sala 10 EEBUS1-2313, BPZ-ET 2024/25BACHELOR
IB gr 3
2024-11-30 Sb 10:30 - 13:00 (3g.) Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace konwersatorium do wyboru Paw.S sala 5 EFFAN2-2311
2024-12-01 Nd 13:15 - 15:45 (3g.) Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace konwersatorium do wyboru Paw.B 055 (KSB) EFFAN2-2311
2024-12-03 Wt 08:00 - 09:30 (2g.) Self-development in a working environment konwersatorium Paw.S sala 10 EEBUS1-2314, BPZ-ET 2024/25BACHELOR
IB gr 4
2024-12-03 Wt 11:30 - 13:00 (2g.) Self-development in a working environment konwersatorium Paw.S sala 10 EEBUS1-2312, BPZ-ET 2024/25BACHELOR
IB gr 2
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